Creed Pest Control is proudly listed as a Top pest control company in Ames by "This Old House", "USA Today", "Today's Homeowner" and more!
- Inspection - Our trained technicians will inspect the property to locate areas of activity
- Identification - We will identify the pest causing damage
- Marking - We will mark runs and identify active burrows
- Control - We will install highly effective bait to control the mole population
- Season Long Control - We will provide no cost follow up visits for new runs throughout the season
Moles can be some pretty impressive work. Moles are territorial and typically only one to two moles area active per acre. They are capable of burrowing as much as 100 feet in a day and have a fairly complex den system (pictured below). These little yard destroying creatures primarily feed on earth worms and are insectivores feeding on insects found below the soil. Our service targets there primary food source and provides season long control for new activity. New moles often will "recolonize" old runs which is why we provide you with our season long mole protection. If new runs pop up, just let us know and we will be back to knock them out.
MOLE DEN SYSTEMPictured to the below you will find some mole evidence as well as a depiction of the a mole burrow structure. Mole burrows consist of a chamber den for resting, deep tunnel for travelling from feeding sites, surface runs used for feeding and foraging for new food sources and mole hills used to remove the excavated dirt from there burrows.